TMJ Problems Affects More Than Your Jaw
We now know that TMJ affects your whole body’s alignment and function, and vice a versa.
Any restriction or constriction caused by underdevelopment, accidents, traumas (physical and emotional) can create distortions in the body’s largest organ-the fascia, which creates the form in which all body structures develop and function. While anthropology and studying skulls from our indigenous ancestors show fully developed wide dental arches, modern man has become compromised in our growth and development by environmental impacts, toxins and pollutions - demonstrating that underdevelopment with such things as cleft palates and lips , crowded arches, crowded teeth and no room for wisdom teeth.
The bite that develops in a distorted environment is different than one that develops in a balanced body alignment, but once established it reinforces which ever pattern the body developed in.
Through our clinical studies, we have developed the first functional non-invasive test for TMJ that can determine if your jaw joint position could be affecting your body alignment whether you are currently experiencing symptoms or not.
If your patients /clients have been unable to get sustained, lasting relief from your treatments for body pain and symptoms we are here to help with training /certification for our cutting edge before considering drugs or surgery. TMJ Body/Jaw Alignment™program-“ TMJ Align™ -an educational and clinical integrative team approach for identifying and treating TMJ dysfunction (TMD)
TMD can contribute to a huge number of seemingly unrelated physical and emotional conditions:
Pain in jaw and neck
Headaches or migraines
Clenching, grinding, or keeping teeth touching
Periodic tooth pain and sensitivity that can move to different areas of the mouth
Dizziness or lack of balance
High pitched tones or ringing in the ears
The bite feels “off”
Limited opening and/or deviation of the jaw when opening wide and closing (best observed from the front)
Clicking, popping, or pressure in the jaw joint
Less room for wisdom teeth, crowded teeth, and malocclusion (possible from undergrowth and development of upper & lower jaws)
Smaller, retruded chin
Fibromyalgia and other auto immune diseases
Functional Scoliosis
Respiratory problems
Hip and SI joint pain
Cardiac problems
Digestive issues
Unlevel hips – almost ALWAYS
Cranial base & cervical pain
Visual and auditory problems
Proprioception and multisensory integration issues
Tightness or restrictions affecting body movement
Parkinsons & other neurological disorders
High stress and psychosocial issues (anxiety, depression) and sympathetic “overload”
Pain: Sciatic, Body, Knee, Back, Ankle or Shoulder, etc.
Even more amazing is that it is just now becoming increasingly understood that there are many other associated lesser-known conditions that we never thought had anything to do with TMD but have very far reaching effects on our bodies, mental/emotional and spiritual health.
Before Treatment
If the jaw or bite is off, the hips will be unlevel.
Improper jaw position can cause nerve signaling interferences, like static on a radio, to multiple systems throughout the body.
The above image illustrates possible pain location(s) when the hips, shoulders, base of skull and jaw are unlevel. People sometimes experience none, one, or several areas of pain, depending on a person’s zone of adaptability/tolerance.
After Treatment
When evaluating over 2200+ patients, 90% had a high hip that leveled with just repositioning the jaw joint!
Professionals that participate in our TMJ Align™ program are able to help their patients/clients experience a higher quality of life. It is not unusual to facilitate a 50% relief from symptoms within the first 30 days of treatment.
The above image, or as close to this as we can attain, illustrates a body in alignment after the TMJ Align™ program. The goal is to optimize function and alignment within each person’s individual circumstances.
Chin Placement Before & After Treatment
Undergrowth and under development of the jaws can establish a poorly positioned jaw joint. If a person’s jaw is too far back they are more likely to clench, grind, or experience snoring/airway problems. Notice the changes in the jaw joint position in front of the ear (can be felt with pinkies deep but comfortably in the ear canal, pads facing forward-client opening mouth wide and closing.
Our Findings:
When we evaluated over 2200+ patients, 90% had a high hip that leveled with just repositioning the jaw joint! With aligned hips, and improved signaling, the body has an opportunity to release held patterns and improve them towards its full growth and development as long as the “old bite” or habit patterns does not destabilize the new balanced alignment. If a dental appliance or bite repositioning is indicated, a dentist who is trained and certified in this technology is part of the team and can rebalance the hips to level after bodyworkers identify and release strain /distortion patterns in the body like moving through the “layers of an onion”. Consider this seriously for “pre-orthodontic” alignment so that the cosmetic smile is now part of stabilizing a fully developed centralized jaw joint position, balanced alignment, and optimized function and performance.
A body out of alignment can cause pain and overall body dysfunction.
We are the world leaders in understanding the jaw-body connection.
For your patients/clients: The changes can often be profound. Turn hopeless into hopeful with the experience of relief.
“First you must suspend disbelief and imagine very vividly that you can enter into the place where your own life story can be re-patterened and re-storied from the one that you’re living now. Think of it as a second chance, a kind of ReGenesis.” ~ Dr. Jean Houston
ReGenesis Wellness Tucson 2023©